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AFL610S/X series Limit Switch
    发布时间: 2024-05-08 11:04    

AFL610S/X series limit switch is designed for valves and actuators in hazardous conditions, with a sturdy and compact structure that complies with EN50014 and 50018 standards. It is also suitable for use in Zone 1 and Zone 2 environments, with a protection level of IP67.


Certificate and approvals

• SIL3    • CE    • EAC (1 Ex d lB T6 Gb)

• CCC (Ex db llB T6 Gb, Ex tb llC T80 Db)

• ATEX ( 2G Ex ia lc T6 Gb. 2D Ex tb lc T85 Db )

• IECEx(Ex db lB T6 Gb,Ex ia llc T6 Gb,Fxtb lC T85 Gb)

• CLEx (Ex ia llC T6 Ga: Ex jaD 20|P66 T130)

AFL610S/X series Limit Switch